ビクトリア・ハーバーに面した都会のサンクチュアリで、至福のひとときをお過ごしください。全ての客室とスイートルームは「あなただけの安らぎの場(Personal Haven)」として生まれ変わりました。窓辺のデイベッドやオアシス・バスルーム、それらが調和し、温もりと静寂があなたを包み込みます。
IHG SERVICE MARK The following are some of the trademark and service marks owned by Six Continents Hotels, Inc., it’s parent, subsidiaries, or affiliates, which are all members of the IHG: InterContinental Hotels Group: IHG®, InterContinental®, Crowne Plaza®, Hotel Indigo®, Holiday Inn®, Holiday Inn Express®, Holiday Inn Select®, Holiday Inn ResortTM, Candlewood®, Candlewood Suites®, Staybridge Suites®, EVENT™, IHG® Rewards Club, The Place to Meet™, Kidsuites®, Best-4-Breakfast®, Holidex®, Holidome®, Stay With Someone You Know®, Express Start™, Smart Roast Coffee™, Sleep Advantage™ and Make It Your Place®, Candlewood Cupboard®, Great Hotels Guests Love®, Room Service Right…
This hotel is owned by Supreme Key Limited operated by Regent Hotels & Resorts. (www.ihg.com)
©2024 Supreme Key Limited. All rights reserved.